
Feb 28, 2007 @ 3:22 PM

i just realised i blocked one of my primary sch classmates on msn long ago cos he was too noisy and that kinda irritated me. ok i am just mean. i think i like all my 6H friends except him.. he really gets on my nerves everytime he goes rambling about this gal that he likes and how painful it is for him to give her up cos she likes somebody else and bla and bla and bla. omg. we're not like super close friends and seriously, im not interested to know his love story which sounds so uninteresting anyway. i hope no one will go and tell him that im online if not that's THE END man. i cant find an excuse for that.

which reminds me.. my nephew has a girlfriend since last year! and he dint tell me until like few weeks ago when i asked?! gosh. well, i kinda suspected that when i saw him smiling at an sms. uhhum, he's only 16. ahh people and things happening around me are telling me that everybody's growing up real fast, including me!! qi and hooi for example, they're both in uni now. i cant bliv i've actually known these ppl for 6 years! the day i left my parents to come and study alone seems like yesterday. one year has passed since i met 6B, which brings me back to a mixed class after 4 years in nanyang. the guys are going for NS in few months' time. and soon i'll drift away from all these friends as everyone heads in their own directions :(






红蜻蜓 by 小虎队。 an old song, but nevertheless classic.
it rightly depicts what youth is all about, and how we only realise it when we see that we're losing it.

sometimes the best lyrics do not have to come from the chorus. in fact, very often they dont.

Feb 26, 2007 @ 6:54 PM

it's one of those emo days where out of a sudden u start feeling nothing is going right or u dun rlly know if things are going right or not, or worse, you dont know what's wrong. hmm...

ahh ignore that. my brain hasnt been functioning properly since this morning. i just did a marvellous counselling job for one of my emo friends last nite (you know who you are)..and im beginning to think im getting better at this sort of philosophical thing! haha weird. you know, i think it's so true when ppl say they dun need advice/solutions, all they want is a listening ear :) sometimes even silent company is comfort, i just need you to sit down next to me, do not do or say anything, just listen to me while i tell you everything.

that's good enough isn't it? it's what i've always wanted to do with a good fren. yes! stop looking around, it could be YOU! :D

Feb 25, 2007 @ 9:00 AM

woke up at 8.15 cos kaiying, yen and i said we wanted to go gym this morning. and everybody's sleeping like a pig now. and my phone calls dont seem to have any effect on ms seow at all. nobody's showing any sign of waking up to go gym and the room key is not with me and i woke up early for nothing. great. but i se-ri-ous-ly need to get some calories burnt thanks to the sinful chinese new year.

i have 1/3 of a chinese thesis to finish by tonight and im not even halfway done yet. to make things worse, i have asean meeting later in the afternoon. asdfgdgfdfgfd. initially the email said it was at 2, so i msg all my juniors to meet me at 1.15.. den, the secretary called ytd to say that we are to be there at 1, so i msg my juniors again. DEN, this morning i woke up to an sms from our highly honourable president saying that we are to be there at 12. oh wow thank you im gonna pretend i dint receive it and ignore you. the whole exco is so so bloody screwed.

and nothing is more irritating than going down to the laundry room early morning to find a prc taking ur clothes out from the washing machine. and i cant find an empty dryer that i can use cos a whole bunch of prcs are queuing up for dryers. great. i swear im never ever gonna do my laundry on sunday morning again.

Feb 21, 2007 @ 2:31 PM
















你知道地里望有多ulu吗?哈哈,ulu得连要找个方向牌也找不到!Karak(加叻)是地里望外面最靠近civilisation的另一个村 :D

GUESS WHAT?? 我们驾车驾到差不多15分钟后就到家了的地方,突然碰见一滩水,然后有几十辆车停在路边。原来因为下雨,河水冲上岸,掩盖了整条路,我们过不去。




外婆在的时候这里有养很多只鸡,现在好像只剩三五只,今年过年还被我们“汤”了三只 -.-



tada! 如果你没有看过的话,板屋就是长这个样子的啦!这是甘榜里的屋子房间典型的样子。



by the way, 那是我爸取的名字 :P 我个人觉得还蛮好听的。



他叫oscar,我的小表弟!kawai desu ne?!









Feb 14, 2007 @ 10:07 PM

haven had the time to update since last weekend. been occupied with things like cluster activity, interhall games, meeting my fav ppl, celebrating fren's bday, preparing valentine's gifts, baking cheesecake and so on... come to think of it, i haven touched homework since last saturday! but nope, im not guilt-stricken at all :P or maybe not yet.

so many things happened since i last updated! i have so so much to say but i guess i shall let pictures do the talking. cos i always believe that's where all my happiness is captured in (: the happy faces in these still images never fail to drown my sorrows, however heavy they may be.

that's me and my fav juniors! julia (the second gal frm the left) is the cute and bubbly korean gal from our cluster.

fooling around in toys 'r' us

and badminton game in the afternoon was quite shitty basically. kena trashed but we still got silver cos there was only a total of 3 pathetic teams -.- dint feel like playing at all cos the timing sucked ( i was having muscleache frm the 6km run in 2 consecutive days) =\

then on to the most exciting part of the week! meeting fellow dearies!

chian and her bday cake

ruiyi and chiann: black and white.

the FUNG fans: nui, chiann, hooi!!!! :D

omg wat are u trying to do?!

see what i mean? there will always be some extra ppl who try to squeeze themselves in even though they are not invited/wanted in the photos.

the 全家福s (:

there're more photos in hooi's cam but i guess we wont get them till she's back in aussie. shit la im gonna miss that gal. i think i wont be seeing her in the near future. haven hugged ppl for a long long time, and that hug has certainly reminded me of how important it is to, once in a while, tell my loved ones that i care, that i do need their shoulders. a hug is a silent embrace that tells a thousand things.

today is definitely a busy day. chaotic exchange of valetines presents at the class bench, fire drill under the hot sun, followed by the annual X-country where qianlei and i stood and gave out water bottles.

talking about presents and gifts, im beginning to realise im someone who appreciates words more. "Words of Affirmation" <-- that's one of my love languages. i get more excited when i receive messages that come in any scraps of paper or cards than when i receive presents. that's why i was so sweet-ed to find the surprise V-day card yen secretly put into my wallet (u noe i almost teared when i read ur msg? but im not sure if it's the msg, or the thought that touched me)! and those sweet cards and smses from all of you! words melt me (:

and the long talk with qianlei today! love it. the more we talk the more i realise we are so similar.. i guess that's what ppl term as "same frequency" yea.. i think u and hany are such wonderful blessings from above to me!

to all my dear friends: u are important, every single one of you reading this. happy friendship day!

Feb 10, 2007 @ 5:10 PM

i jogged 3km today! or meib more. pls clap for me! but i was too tired after that so i slept from 9 to 1 :D and i woke up to find myself dying of hunger cos i missed both breakfast and lunch. and im still v hungry now cos i only ate bread and biscuits.

argh the prcs are so freaking irritating! for once in our cluster's history, we didn't pass the monthly clealiness assessment! all thanks to the 11 dirty ppl in our cluster. we didnt have this problem at all, until the prcs came.

our cluster mentor almost fainted when she saw our cleanliness grades. out of all 20 girls' clusters, only 2 didnt pass! the rest are all guys' clusters. u noe how shameful that is?! mygawd. tell me what we can do to instill in these ppl some sense of hygiene!? whats the point of getting all As if u cant even take care of ur basic well-being and be considerate to the others who are living under the same roof as you?! apparently all the education hasn't worked.

there was one night (it was alr past 12) when i was ironing at the tv area, the whole group of them was happily chattering and partying away as if i didnt exist and as if nobody needed to rest. irritatingly selfish beings who are deeply indulged in their own world! damn.

ok i shall stop going on and on about them cos u wouldnt understand the boiling anger in us unless u've tried living with them. we dont complain for no reason.

anyways. it's a very special day tmr (: im looking forward.

Feb 3, 2007 @ 12:20 PM

omg i rlly woke up at 8 to go gym! see, i got keep to my promise okay! ran 2.4 with a 10min break in between..lol. yayy i feel so proud of myself. (those sports ppl out there stop going like "CHEY big deal, i ran 6.4 in a day." u have got to understand my stamina in order to appreciate the WOWness of me practising for 2.4!!)

had prata breakfast after that. hong and i ordered mee siam! we almost teared not bcos the meesiam was hot, but bcos we both have BIGBIG mouth ulcers! hong got 3, i got 2. (ok she win.) so we concluded that we are the type who loves to torture ourselves. thats the power of food. it's MORE than heaven.

but it comes with a price to pay: laosai. ugh. i realise i cant take spicy food with an empty stomach =\

ok i think i shall go and bathe now. then finish up my mortal's letter and get ready for an exciting day ahead!

Feb 2, 2007 @ 9:56 PM

this weekend is gonna be so eventful (:

tmr morning i shall embark on my first training for 2.4 with hong as my coach! CAN YOU BLIV IT?! the one who consistently pons PE is waking up early to jog! and i shall see if i have remaining energy to bake cheesecake after that since i've gotten most of the ingredients alr. shopping date with hany in the afternoon. followed by JTS!!

and sunday shall be dedicated for shopping at simlim and bugis! with hong and kaiying. i want to get a camera! (: im also given the privelege of being hong's private fashion consultant, for 2 consecutive years! haha her mum forces her to wear skirts every chinese new year. nowadays my mum cant seem to have the ability to force me wear clothes that she buy anymore, which is why she has given up long ago and told me to buy my own clothes instead. but usually i'll still be guai and wear skirts la. hmm..do all mothers like to see their daughters dress girlyly??

lalala chinese new year is just around the corner. my fav festive season of the year!

Feb 1, 2007 @ 3:54 PM

i still cant believe xu wei lun died. just like that. she's only 28.

it may sound cliche, but really, life is transcient. how many of us are alr starting to imagine what we'll be doing at the age of 28? i'll be very honest about it. ive always wanted to think very positively about my future bcos it makes me feel better that way. i've since long ago pictured the 28-year-old me having a partner, if not a family, a developing career, a future full of hope. but for all you know, the day may just never come because life is simply unpredictable.

we've heard and seen too many stories like that. ppl passing away in their sleep, children dying of cancers, young people dying in accidents. sometimes i wonder if it is too unnecessary for a 17-year-old to be thinking about all these? but more often than not we oversee the fact that death does not restrict itself to old people. we've been taking things in life for granted.

talking about life and death, i rmb mummy telling me about my grandfather going to a fortuneteller when he was 52. he was told he only had about 6 years more to live. obviously he was extremely bothered by it and according to mummy, he was basically living in paranoia after that incident. and he died at 59. recently i've also heard stories of other ppl going to fortunetellers and most of them did not live very happily esp for some who found out they only had few years left.

i always want to ask these ppl, why bother asking bout such stuff? wats the point of making urself and those around u miserable? just breathe on, see the importance of the people and things around u, every morning when u wake up to the rising sun, tell urself: i've just earned myself another day to live.

i rmb seeing this in reader's digest some years back and it has stayed in my mind since then:

Live every day like your last, 'cos one day, you're gonna be right.

how true.


17 jan

loves daddy mummy
loves my family
loves my friends
loves fUng 峯

also love:
* scholarz!
* 6H
* 06s6b
* Delphus
* Impreeeeee
* yamapi, jin
* leehom
* louis koo
* wch, fuhaifeng
* hk dramas
* badminton, vball
* music & piano
* photos
* quality time with loved ones
* words of affirmation

Where to go.

2/5. amy. APPLE. atee. audry. boy-nigel. cai na. chenyang. chian. cxy & fangxuan. danqing. daoteng. daryl. eunice. ferleen. fiona. frederick. geminista (fungfan). hanyan. hooi. hongfei. jac. jac+mq. jinghan. joanne (fungfan). jodie. jolene. junie. junjie. karin. kerwei!. kiamian the notsoglam. kiansiong. KFC. kris. lanfang. lingling. liu qian. linlaoshi. liting. liwei. meiling. meisi. mengY. michelle. mingle. nigel. peishan. pow. qiankun. Qipok. rachael. ruiyi. scholarz. serene. sharon. shengbin. shueh-yi dear. sianghan. siewching. sieyen. siying (fungfan). sooern. steph. suet. sze. szemin. tianyu. victoria (fungfan). vincent. wanghao. weili. weisen. wenhui. xiaomeng. xinyilim. xueling. xulin. yanjun. yezi glamgal. yibing. yuehong. zhengyou. zhengzhi. lijuanjie. 06s6b. my photos. 6B Photos. 6B YahooGrp. 6B Forum. AseanYahooGrp.

Tell me something?
