
Aug 30, 2009 @ 11:08 PM

yay i baked today! (:
with sheeebais (:
work done = ZERO
happiness gained = uncountable


hate it when people are being irresponsible and not getting things done and unaware that such irresponsible behaviour is making it EXTREMELYYYY inconvenient for the rest of the team.

sucks like shit

school work is in deep shit and here i am every day worrying about non-school commitments and how urgent they are. GRRRRRR.

but i cant complain cos i chose to take those responsibilities up in the first place.

trying VERY VERY VERY hard to be a superwoman...

Aug 29, 2009 @ 7:55 PM

thanks to supper hop and latenighttalkcocksingsong session

woke up this morning feeling totally dreadful for tuition. ks was more awake than me and he got a lil irritated when i mumbled and put forward the possibility of just canceling my tuition. none of ur business LA hahah

bo biannnnnnnn.

dragged my feet out of bed feeling like cursing my tutee even though it was none of her fault.

shyni went home
im roomieless tonight :(
gonna sleep early



YAY, bu jian bu san yo!

Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:50 PM



@ 12:07 PM

trying to be a superwoman.

but totally not doing good at it....

(edit) on a lighter note, thank goodness daddy is fine today (: trust me, nth is ever more important that those 2 ppl who brought u to this world.

@ 12:12 AM

hanming: my mum wanted to bring my dog to zoo but she called up and the person said no animals allowed.

its so easy to make my day :D

Aug 24, 2009 @ 5:24 PM

came back from CAC Cynosure Ball on sat night feeling totally tired and concussed.

but there are new things i learnt. about some friends that i didnt know. about some people. found something new that touched me.

surprisingly it turned out to be one of the rare nights where i can just enjoy myself and do not care about what people say and what i have to say, relaxing myself around these people. i just remember i laughed a lot and it was all genuine.

glad to say i think i wont regret the decision i made a week ago. bcos, really, we should all give one another a second chance. if u're fortunate enough, the rewards are huge - friendships are setting in (:

66-3-1356 love
my roomie is so pretty. (:

Impresario 2009

Impresario 2010!!

a bunch of passionate workers in CAC

the sam-wenting-chiann shot
i said i'd collect more of these as time comes and i did! :)
1: CAC FOC 2008
2: CAC FOC 2009
3: Cynosure Ball 2009

szemin, life in cac without u wouldnt have been the same really. thanks for just being there.

at the end of the day, it's not what you're good at, but what you care about most that makes the difference.

Aug 21, 2009 @ 8:59 PM

Aug 20, 2009 @ 1:33 AM

the fear is gone. more or less.

problems more or less solved too.
i kept telling myself, please let it be the last time this is happening.

and thankew YOU dear exroomie! for listening out the whole night. wouldn't have survived the night without ur listening ears man.

and also...
"persevere on."
yes, thankew you for reminding me :)

why give up so easily when you can visualise the future?

i'll keep telling myself that.

Aug 19, 2009 @ 1:30 PM

there's only fear in me now.

Aug 18, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

things are not feeling right and i dont like the way they're turning out to be

Aug 16, 2009 @ 2:13 PM


i hate to be making tough decisions.

with great power comes hugeeeee responsibility, will i be able to handle?

Aug 15, 2009 @ 1:17 AM

N points to 南 lor
N for Nan mah

den S leh?

S? 西 lor
西 for See mah

lol nice one.
the only takeaway tonight.

Aug 14, 2009 @ 3:37 AM

OMG bitching therapy really works! :D

feels so much better

too many negative emotions bottled up over the past weeks they nid to go somewhere. they went. and im fine now! yays.

sick of self centered immature people who are living in their own myopic world. i will keep my eyes wide open and look at you and make sure i laugh the day i see you fall. in here, we tolerate everything so you dont fall, but it's gonna be a painful one out there. good luck.

thats why i always say i love girls. they talk, they analyse, they get what you mean. most of the time.

Aug 13, 2009 @ 10:10 PM











Aug 12, 2009 @ 4:18 AM

sometimes i find myself in a situation i find difficult to subscribe to. things have probably changed. or it could be me.

and the feeling is growing stronger by the day.


Aug 11, 2009 @ 2:42 AM

today i was talking to ks about how the stuffs that we do daily are very routined and self-centered.

it's an issue that's been bothering me for quite some time, and i think i havent/did not make enough effort to change.

i want to do alot of things. some i tried, some i wanted to but somehow there'll just be reasons that stopped me in the end. i want to read more news, wiki more random articles and read abt interesting things, donate to UNICEF, sign up for charity events, visit the zoo, visit the museum despite it being commonly perceived as the most boring hangout place. there are simply too many things i want to achieve, but the determination is lacking. :(

ks then suggested that it's probably due to the fact that i lack a hobby in life? something like a passion that carries u through in whatever u enjoy doing. which could be very true as well. i'm envious of doreen when she told us she looks forward to every single dragonboat training, and the sense of emptiness once the race season is over. it's sth that i find hard to understand cos i simply dont have such great passion for anything. not yet.

time for some dance lessons, fur & yj? and some devoted yogamates perhaps? i was once in it but gave up along the way. a weekend to the zoo and another to the museum? time to be proactive and sign up for whatever networking sessions the sch offers?

quoting a blog entry that inspired me, it's time to engage with the world.

and oh pls, let it be the last time im rambling abt this and get started on something. anything.

Aug 9, 2009 @ 1:36 PM


there can be no greater sense of achievement than being a cgl and witnessing ur freshies go through what they've gone through in the past 6 days, thats strenuous both mentally and physically. it makes u, proud.

the best thing is not abt whether you lasted the camp, but what meaningful things that came out of it which will last you your lifetime.

thank you apus.
for allowing me to discover what i can achieve.
where the achievement is not solely mine. it is made possible by all.

Aug 2, 2009 @ 2:40 AM

here comes the

uber proud of this!!!!!
apus we are genie :)

alamak wasapa pilipala aibupa
apus ni pa bu pa?

wooooo gearing up for the high mood.
i cant waittttttttttttttttt

will disappear for camp again, 3 - 8 Aug.
cya when im back


17 jan

loves daddy mummy
loves my family
loves my friends
loves fUng 峯

also love:
* scholarz!
* 6H
* 06s6b
* Delphus
* Impreeeeee
* yamapi, jin
* leehom
* louis koo
* wch, fuhaifeng
* hk dramas
* badminton, vball
* music & piano
* photos
* quality time with loved ones
* words of affirmation

Where to go.

2/5. amy. APPLE. atee. audry. boy-nigel. cai na. chenyang. chian. cxy & fangxuan. danqing. daoteng. daryl. eunice. ferleen. fiona. frederick. geminista (fungfan). hanyan. hooi. hongfei. jac. jac+mq. jinghan. joanne (fungfan). jodie. jolene. junie. junjie. karin. kerwei!. kiamian the notsoglam. kiansiong. KFC. kris. lanfang. lingling. liu qian. linlaoshi. liting. liwei. meiling. meisi. mengY. michelle. mingle. nigel. peishan. pow. qiankun. Qipok. rachael. ruiyi. scholarz. serene. sharon. shengbin. shueh-yi dear. sianghan. siewching. sieyen. siying (fungfan). sooern. steph. suet. sze. szemin. tianyu. victoria (fungfan). vincent. wanghao. weili. weisen. wenhui. xiaomeng. xinyilim. xueling. xulin. yanjun. yezi glamgal. yibing. yuehong. zhengyou. zhengzhi. lijuanjie. 06s6b. my photos. 6B Photos. 6B YahooGrp. 6B Forum. AseanYahooGrp.

Tell me something?
