
Feb 25, 2010 @ 1:55 AM

i knew it's all gonna be good.

and it was.

the audience was responsive, the cheers were reasonably loud, the steps were coordinated, the expressions i did my best thus far, the energy was definitely sustained thanks to the adrenaline rush.

i shall not talk about the huge SHOCK we suffered an hour after the competition. because we haven recovered from it yet, most of us have not. i shall blog about that after reality sinks in, which wouldnt be happening till few days later. lol

i want to say how gratified i am to be able to have a chance to perform, to dance in front of people.

2 minutes before the dance, i reminded myself of how far we've come from and how we only have 6 minutes to prove ourselves. we cannot afford to let people down, hall 14, shuhui & zhangyi, and ourselves.

the last segment of the last dance, even as we were running out of breath, when i met the gaze of the other dancemates, and when we smiled and gave that look of assurance, it was a silent agreement that we had to give it all. it's now or never.

the 10 minutes right after our dance, i spent it crying to myself. not because there were regrets, but because i dont know when is the next time i can do this again, with the same people who have accompanied me through these 2 years.

thank you yanjun and fur, sorry haha hope i didnt shock the 2 of you. dun worry i wasnt crying over mistakes. it was the feeling of emptiness (very typical withdrawal symptom following the end of a show), made worse by the fact that it being our last dance together.

thank you hall 14, the people that made this performance meaningful. i wouldn't know who else am i dancing to and for if it's not for the hall.

thank you kefeng for the VERY LOUD cheer. yes, we could hear you very, very clearly even when u were 30 metres away from the curtains.

thank you max, beer, kefeng, hengqing, sam, hanming, for the jiayou sms-es. thank you yanjun, fur, shuhui and zhangyi for the notes. I LOVE NOTES AND MESSAGES! you have no idea how much they meant when i reread all of them one last time before we get ready for performance. they made me feel that i cant disappoint these people.

thank you to all audience who in some way or another enjoyed our dance. if we were able to trigger some form of emotions in you, even if it's just that split second, thank you.

dancing has been something i always wanted to do. opportunities came and went. i regretted not having the courage to start earlier. but these 2 years of dancing, as short as they were, ignited the passion that i know i wouldn't want to let go. even though i still dont know how to, since i most probably wont be dancing next year.

to a performer, nothing is more encouraging than cheers and applause. i hope i can retain memory of the 6 minutes on stage just now and the feeling of having people who enjoy what you have got to show.

it made everything so worth it.

Feb 24, 2010 @ 1:53 AM

im amazed i survived on 3 hour of sleep today.

still quite awake

yes yes yes energy for tmr pleaseeeeee
more morE moRE mORE MORE please

Feb 23, 2010 @ 12:40 PM

presentation / project meeting / dance / 3 hour power nap

next few days:
project meeting / impre meeting / dance rehearsal / dance preview / presentation / test / dance competition (!!!!) / lesson / impre door-to-door ticket sales / project meeting / tuition


(i only jiayou for u all hahahahah)
the end is near and it's all gonna be good

Feb 22, 2010 @ 1:20 AM

back from cny / dance / test / project meeting / dance preview / project meeting / tuition / dance / test / project meeting / lunch with nui and chian / sleep / dance

summarizes everything that happened for the past 5 days.

my table is in a mess.
my notes is in a mess.
my wardrobe is in a big mess.
my room is in a mess.
my body clock is in a mess.
my inbox is in a mess.
my desktop files are in a mess.
my school work is in a HUGE HUGE mess.


Feb 20, 2010 @ 2:02 AM

where are the days like these

i miss those motivated times

with motivation, everything is worth it.

Feb 18, 2010 @ 4:50 PM

最近一直在看香港的 《超级巨声》


可能我们亚洲人唱不出American Idol的那种水准,但是当中的真情流露,比任何东西更动人


超sweet的原创歌 - 女朋友要带回家

the piano plus the singing is omg
nv liked the song till they sang it
i think they sang it better than yoga lin ahha

听第二个就好了。 第一个就算了吧哈哈

Tonight I Celebrate My Love

my favourite canto duet :)

与 Beyond 完全不一样的海阔天空


in love again

alfred 帅!

Feb 9, 2010 @ 2:11 AM

i think we danced for almost 6 hours today. omg.

Feb 4, 2010 @ 12:47 AM

it just occurred to me that i'll be damn screwed in week 7. i have 2 presentations and 2 midterm quizzes, back to back in 4 days' time. and i have DANCE (yes, the actual competition) that week. and it's a week before IMPRE.


somebody commented to me that i (being a business student myself) probably dont know how to weigh the costs and benefits of all these, by prioritising these things above my school work.

but i think im pretty sure about what im doing. cos i pondered over the comment for a moment, and i decided that no, it's all going to be worth it.

it's things that i have the passion and drive to accomplish at this moment, and such drive doesnt come all the time. while im having it, i better make sure i make the best out of it.

and it's things that that i can look back at and say - hey i cant believe i did that. a sense of achievement that others probably wont comprehend.

enjoy what you do. and somehow, just somehow, it'll all be worth it.

Feb 2, 2010 @ 2:13 AM






17 jan

loves daddy mummy
loves my family
loves my friends
loves fUng 峯

also love:
* scholarz!
* 6H
* 06s6b
* Delphus
* Impreeeeee
* yamapi, jin
* leehom
* louis koo
* wch, fuhaifeng
* hk dramas
* badminton, vball
* music & piano
* photos
* quality time with loved ones
* words of affirmation

Where to go.

2/5. amy. APPLE. atee. audry. boy-nigel. cai na. chenyang. chian. cxy & fangxuan. danqing. daoteng. daryl. eunice. ferleen. fiona. frederick. geminista (fungfan). hanyan. hooi. hongfei. jac. jac+mq. jinghan. joanne (fungfan). jodie. jolene. junie. junjie. karin. kerwei!. kiamian the notsoglam. kiansiong. KFC. kris. lanfang. lingling. liu qian. linlaoshi. liting. liwei. meiling. meisi. mengY. michelle. mingle. nigel. peishan. pow. qiankun. Qipok. rachael. ruiyi. scholarz. serene. sharon. shengbin. shueh-yi dear. sianghan. siewching. sieyen. siying (fungfan). sooern. steph. suet. sze. szemin. tianyu. victoria (fungfan). vincent. wanghao. weili. weisen. wenhui. xiaomeng. xinyilim. xueling. xulin. yanjun. yezi glamgal. yibing. yuehong. zhengyou. zhengzhi. lijuanjie. 06s6b. my photos. 6B Photos. 6B YahooGrp. 6B Forum. AseanYahooGrp.

Tell me something?
