
Sep 24, 2011 @ 8:58 PM

“If there’s an even road, and you keep walking on it, it gets boring. If there’s a bit of a slope, it’s tiring to walk, but you feel accomplished. A bit more, you feel like you won yourself. And a bit more, you feel like you are at the top of the world.

The only difference was the slope.

Shall we try the other way? If there's a road sloping downward, it’s easy to walk. A bit more, it's comfortable. A bit more, you get used to it, and you start falling.

Life needs balance.”

— Choi Min Soo, Strong Heart ep93

Indeed an enlightenment for me today.

Sep 22, 2011 @ 12:34 AM

thanks babe.

a call is all it takes to make someone's day.

Sep 20, 2011 @ 12:32 AM



Sep 18, 2011 @ 6:50 PM

sometimes i just wanna roll up in my bed all day.

Sep 16, 2011 @ 12:05 AM


What is that one thing that kicks you out of bed every morning?







Sep 15, 2011 @ 12:05 AM

i totally need a smaller stomach.

my hunger strikes when the clock strikes twelve.


Sep 6, 2011 @ 11:01 PM

햇살이 밝아서 괜찮았어
Afternoon Separation
- JYP & SunYe


After exchanging our last good byes and crying,
After hugging each other for the last time,
As we exchanged regrets and apologies,
We wiped each other’s tears away

After time passes and feelings fade away,
We told each other to meet again as friends
And be by each other’s side
And with those finals words and a hug, we parted

Because the sun is so bright and warm
My tears dried - a lot faster than I thought
At first I thought I would die,
I really couldn’t breathe
But the sun was so bright..
That it made it all right.

Just before we parted,
I asked a really stupid question:
Do we really have to break up?
Even if I knew it was too late to turn back
Then like a fool, you became mute
And just stared at me
We both knew, we both knew so well
That we were both afraid to break up.

Because of the bright sun, I could forget my pain
Because of the bright sun, I could stop my tears
Because of the bright sun, I became thankful for the sky

Because of the bright sun…
Because of the bright sun…
It was all right..


Khun tweeted the song, and no other lyrics is more apt than what it is now.

we all knew at some point in time it was going to end. but when it finally arrives, it still takes some time to sink in and settle.

now i sound crazy, but watching you both, it completes another part of my life. i felt awkwardness. felt warmth. felt pain. felt goosebumps. felt helplessness. felt friendship. felt love.

thank you for the great 1 year & 3 months. it has evolved into a habit. nothing beats having something to look forward to every weekend - knowing it's gonna make me smile, without fail. thank you khuntoria.

life is larger than that, of course. just be grateful things happened, and that it'll always be there, in a part of memory. so that ten years later, i can laugh and say, oh those crazy days..

Sep 3, 2011 @ 12:55 PM

lazy saturday morning.

Sep 1, 2011 @ 11:32 PM

weekly date! :)

to do what we love to do most.


17 jan

loves daddy mummy
loves my family
loves my friends
loves fUng 峯

also love:
* scholarz!
* 6H
* 06s6b
* Delphus
* Impreeeeee
* yamapi, jin
* leehom
* louis koo
* wch, fuhaifeng
* hk dramas
* badminton, vball
* music & piano
* photos
* quality time with loved ones
* words of affirmation

Where to go.

2/5. amy. APPLE. atee. audry. boy-nigel. cai na. chenyang. chian. cxy & fangxuan. danqing. daoteng. daryl. eunice. ferleen. fiona. frederick. geminista (fungfan). hanyan. hooi. hongfei. jac. jac+mq. jinghan. joanne (fungfan). jodie. jolene. junie. junjie. karin. kerwei!. kiamian the notsoglam. kiansiong. KFC. kris. lanfang. lingling. liu qian. linlaoshi. liting. liwei. meiling. meisi. mengY. michelle. mingle. nigel. peishan. pow. qiankun. Qipok. rachael. ruiyi. scholarz. serene. sharon. shengbin. shueh-yi dear. sianghan. siewching. sieyen. siying (fungfan). sooern. steph. suet. sze. szemin. tianyu. victoria (fungfan). vincent. wanghao. weili. weisen. wenhui. xiaomeng. xinyilim. xueling. xulin. yanjun. yezi glamgal. yibing. yuehong. zhengyou. zhengzhi. lijuanjie. 06s6b. my photos. 6B Photos. 6B YahooGrp. 6B Forum. AseanYahooGrp.

Tell me something?
